Sunday, December 23, 2012

Unit 3 test reflection...

Unit 3 test reflection:

Reflect on the exam
Look through the objectives from the Unit sheet.  Rank yourself 0-4 on the unit sheet in the "end of unit" column.

1. Which objective do you think you did the best on?  Why?  
               "Objective 3 - Translating Graphs" is the objective that I think I did the best on because we spent such a long time reviewing this objective in class (especially the worksheet with all the little graphs on it that we had to translate.) 

2. Which objective do you think you need the most improvement on?  Why?

          "Objective 4 - Solving Problems" is the objective that i think i did the worst on because those were the only problems that i was really confused on the test about. I still do not understand fully how to use the kinematic equations.

3. What can you do to improve on the objective you may still need help on?
             I could use the "remediation" links BEFORE the test to help study these problems and be more prepared for the questions that are on the test. 

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