Monday, April 8, 2013

Post topic 2 check in

1. I feel good about free body diagrams and I do not really understand order of magnitude.
2. I feel good about momentum and impulse but I don't really understand power or efficiency.
3. Yes, I think that the little reddish/ orangey book and the remediation on your website are good study tools.
4. I think my diagrams and my procedures are very good. I think that I need to work on the uncertainty in my data tables & better organizing my ia (formatting.)
5. yes, I was not sure how it should look. Now I have a clear example of what I should do.
6. It's helpful to use the blog to get your feed back. However, I'm no sure the reflection posts are really that helpful for learning. (But it also doesn't hurt, so if it helps you then I guess it's a good thing)

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