Friday, March 1, 2013

Test reflection: Unit 6 & 7

1. Which objectives from the past two units do you feel the most confident about?  Why?

The vocabulary objectives, because I started using the quizzlets to study

2. Which objectives do you still think you may need to learn more about?  How do you plan to do this?

Objective 2, because I always make little mistakes in the problem solving. I should do more practice problems.

3. Have you remediated and reassessed any objectives yet this year?  If so, do you feel like you learned more from remediating?  What do you feel could improve the remediation/reassessment process?

Yes, remediating helps because it forces me to go back and learn the stuff I did not know for the test, rather than just moving on, never actually learning the material,  and having a bad grade. 

4. If you haven't reassessed but you've scored below a 3 on an objective, why did you choose not to?  What would make you more likely to try to meet the standards in the future? 
Sometimes it is hard for me to find time to remediate, because I take a morning class (so I cant go before school,) and after school I often have games/ practice, have to pick up my little sister/  neighbors, ect. So i need to plan my generals Periods better. 
5. Did you use the Unit Sheet to study?  Was it helpful?

No, I generally use the remediation on your website. 

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