Monday, October 22, 2012

Test reflection...

Reflect on the exam:
Look through the objectives from the Unit sheet. Rank yourself 0 to 4 on the unit sheet in the "end of unit" column.

1. Which objective do you think you did the best on? Why?

I believe that vocabulary was one of my strongest objectives for this test. Last test I struggled with the vocabulary. So before taking this test I made an effort to review the vocabulary terms and ensure that I could easily define each word, use it in a sentence, and apply them to problems.
2. Which objective do you think you need the most improvement on? Why?

I had a real hard time with solving systems on the test. I think I did not review how to do systems because I have been fairly good at them in the past. However, after not practicing solving systems for a long time I seemed to forget everything I knew as soon as I got my test.
3. What can you do to improve on the objective you may still need help on?

I can use the book to review how to do them. I can also do practice problems, or come in for help until I am able to do them well.

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