Friday, October 12, 2012

CV Formative Assessment

1. Total distance: 6 meters
2. Displacement: + 2 meters
3. No, the displacement is less than the total distance because the ball rolled all the way to the wall- then bounced back. The distance measures the number of meters to the wall & back to the place where the ball finally stopped. Whereas, the displacement measures just the number of meters from the origin to the end point.


  1. Hi Sonia, great idea to put the graph in the blog! It looks like you're missing the answer to number 4. For #2, remember displacement needs a direction! You can respond back with the answer to #4.

    1. Answer to #4: The ball is moving the fastest before it hits the wall (from 0-4 seconds.) I know this because the slope is the steepest from 0-4 seconds, indicating it was travelling more meters per second.
