Thursday, September 27, 2012

Test Reflection

I believe the objective I did the best on was Objective 2 "Can design an experiment with appropriate IV, DV, an constant variables. This was my strongest objective for two reasons. First, the quiz we took earlier in the unit and all of the labs were good review of this objective. Also, this is not new material for me (we have been working on this objective since elementary school.)
The objective I need to improve the most on would be objective 1: "can define and use all vocabulary words correctly." There are a number of words from the list that I am still unsure of how to use (including interpolation & extrapolation.) This objective would be an easy one to work on. In the future, I could look up the words in the textbook and spend some time learning how to use them
The objective sheet was helpful in knowing what was going to be on the test and what vocabulary to study. However, it would have been more helpful if it included examples (or pages in the book where examples could be found.)

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