Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Constant Force Lab Reflection Blog

Constant Force Lab Reflection Blog -

    1. Reflect on your design section.  What do you think you did well?  What do you need to improve next time?
The design section is the section that i think i did really well on and scored well on. I had a good diagram and good descriptions of my procedure. Next time i will try to do everything as well as i did it this time. 

    2. Reflect on your data collection and processing section. What do you think you did well?  What do you need to improve next time?
In the data collection and processing section i did a good job with the graphs and the linearization. However, next time i need to pay more attention to the uncertainty & the significant figures (the precision in my data did not match my uncertainty.) Finding the uncertainty in general still  confuses me. Also, i left the variables off in my equation. 

    3. Reflect on your conclusion and evaluation.  What do you think you did well?  What do you need to improve next time?
My conclusion could use some improving on basically all of it. The biggest thing i need to improve on is the slope, and being able to describe what it means & find the uncertainty in the slope. Before my next report submission i need to learn how to find the uncertainty in the slope, work on how to better describe everything that occurred in the lab.  

    4. Would you like to have a conference with Mrs. W to get more in-depth feedback?
No, I don't think i need that for this one- but i might try and get help on the next conclusion before turning it in.